Child Discipleship Pathway


Preteens are in the wonderful stage of having a deep understanding of spiritual things and still having the wonder and faith of a child.  This is a great time for kids to develop into servant leaders.  They can lead well while still being teachable and open to being molded by God.  

Preteens are beginning to build their conclusions (based on what they have learned and experienced) into theories that they act on and use to problem-solve.  These theories often stick with them for life, which is why deep discipleship is so important at this age.

"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"

- John Evans

"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"

- Greg Smith


Learning it. Your preteen is at an optimal time to learn about who God is and who they are through Bible study and a personal quiet time.

  • How are you modeling spiritual rhythms as a family?
  • How are you letting your preteen lead sections of your family worship time?
  • Has your child taken responsibility for their own time with Jesus?
  • How is your preteen growing in their knowledge of who God is / who they are?
  • What areas can you lead your preteen to Jesus for healing and growth?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith


Seeing it. Preteens will need solid relationships as they head into their teen years. They need to see other disciples and be seen.

  • Has your child surrendered to Christ?
  • Does your child feel loved and accepted for who they are?
  • Aside from you as parents, who is partnering with your child and holding them accountable in their walk with Christ?
  • How is your preteen doing life with other believers his/her age?
  • How is your preteen seeing you Grow, Belong, and Engage?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith


Doing it. Your preteen is fully able to live as a disciple of Christ now. If they regularly engage others with the gospel now, it will likely be something they do for life.

  • Is your preteen tithing out of their personal resources?
  • How is your preteen serving in a significant way at GBC using their spiritual gifting?
  • How is your preteen using their gifts to meet the needs of those in the home and out in the community?
  • Does your preteen know how to effectively share the gospel and lead someone to Christ?
  • Does your preteen have a heart for the people of the world?
  • What is your plan for sending your preteen on a mission trip?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith

Be ready for what's next.

Parents often don't know something will become an issue until the problem has already developed.  Age-related teaching can help prevent common problems that are prone to happen at certain ages and can derail discipleship.

Let's Walk Together!

To learn more about how critical discipleship is to your children, we encourage you to read our resource magazine, Follow Me.
There are a lot of resources out there!  Here are some we think are helpful...
We offer events, seminars, and classes to help you disciple your family...

Don't see what you need?  Let us know how we can help!