
We know also that the Son of God has come and given us understanding,
so that we may know him who is true.

1 John 5:20

Classes are a space where you can grow in your knowledge of Jesus, affection for Jesus, and devotion to Jesus. You will be encouraged and challenged as you join with other people to talk about how the scriptures speak into important topics that are relevant to your everyday life. Classes are a great opportunity for you to ask questions, find community, and move closer to Jesus. 


Christian Education Classes

There is something available for everyone. You will find classes for people of all ages and stages of life from newborns to adults during both Sunday Morning Gatherings.  Classes last about one hour.

Classes beginning at 9:00 am

Young Adults (Post High School)      Room #OC2
Teachers: Dan & Anna Miller  

First Corinthians             Room #7
Teacher: Dick McIntyre
The city of Corinth was as sin ridden as any in the world of the first century. Many of the large metro areas of our country today are comparable.
Paul wrote to a new church in Corinth which struggled with sin to help them have victory in their Christian life. Although the forms are different, the nature of sin never changes. We will spend over 30 weeks looking at a letter that Paul wrote to the church to help them navigate the sinful culture that was having an impact on their lives. It will be a verse-by-verse in-depth study in which we will mine principles and practical application which will help us navigate the sinful culture in which we live. Each lesson is self-contained. I hope you will join us for this study.

Financial Peace University Class        Room #18
Teachers: Jeremy and Holly Andrews, Mike Cunningham
Information and Registration (required)


You will find age-specific childcare and small-group classes for newborns through 5th grade. These classes follow a curriculum that is geared towards seeing Jesus as the most important person in your kid's life. Classes meet during the 9:00 and 10:30 services but feature different formats so that children can enjoy attending both services.
2nd – 5th grade  North Building - 2nd floor
K – 1st grade  Early Childhood Center
PreK     Early Childhood Center
Infants / Walkers / Toddlers    Early Childhood Center

Classes beginning at 10:30 am

Living & Loving Well in Challenging Environments         Youth Building
Teachers: Dr. Jerry & Judy Schreur, Dr. Rich Albright
First trimester - A ten-week course continued from last year with additional subjects: Boundaries, Insecurities, Stress, Anger, & Mental Illness.  This class will enable you to better understand and manage the above issues. Also, it will equip you to encourage others who may be living with these challenges. 
Third trimester will be a similar format with different topics.
(Second Trimester will be a continuing class on parenting – more info later)

Let’s Chat – A New Topic Each Week          Room #18
Rotating Teachers
A new topic will be taught each week by a different teacher, or a testimony will be shared to encourage.  This class is being provided to encourage those who volunteer regularly in the ministries and feel that they don’t have a place to go on the mornings that they could attend a class, because they feel like they would be behind.  Each week will something new and different, so you can pop in and out as you are able.

Junior High Boys Class | Brent Buller | Room 9
Junior High Girls Class | Jodi Thiemkey | Room 8
Senior High Class | Teachers TBA | Fellowship Hall


You will find age-specific childcare and small-group classes for newborns through 5th grade. These classes follow a curriculum that is geared towards seeing Jesus as the most important person in your kid's life. Classes meet during the 9:00 and 10:30 services but feature different formats so that children can enjoy attending both services.
2nd – 5th grade  North Building - 2nd floor
K – 1st grade  Early Childhood Center
PreK     Early Childhood Center
Infants / Walkers / Toddlers    Early Childhood Center

Discover GBC Class

This monthly class is designed to share where we began as a church, where we are today, and to cast the vision for where God is leading us in the future. To sign up, click the button below.

Foundations Class

Foundations Class is the prerequisite for membership at GBC.
Please join us for this luncheon to discover what it means to join us on the mission God has given GBC.

GBC Training Program 

This is a 15 week class. Participants are asked to commit to the entire 15 weeks.
Prerequisite: Completion of Training Program 1
Cohort 1: September 15 - December 22
Cohort 2: January 5 - May 4 - FULL

Your next step

If you want to join others in growing more deeply in your knowledge of Jesus, affection for Jesus, and devotion to Jesus, then these classes are for you. We would love to help get you plugged into one of these awesome opportunities. Send us a message below and we will get back to you soon.  

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.