Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
At GBC you will see a youth program dedicated to providing intentional opportunities for students to grow closer to Jesus. We accomplish this by fostering deep relationships between teens and adults, providing youth opportunities to invest in many different ministries, and creating a culture where Jesus is primary in our lives.

Just for Youth
Special Activities
Special activities throughout the year include theme parks, mission trips, fellowship nights, Bible studies, ministry events and much more.
Wednesday Youth Group
Join us from 7-9p on Wednesday nights for a great time of fellowship, worship and studying God's word together.
We offer specific classes for grades 6 through 12 after the Sunday gathering that are designed to grow teens in their knowledge and love for Jesus. Junior High students meet inside the church while High Schoolers meet out in the youth building.

Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Our small groups meet every Wednesday to pray together, talk through the lesson and do life together. There are also times through the year where we have community nights, which are nights planned in hopes of having fun and building deeper relationships.
Kentucky Spring Break Trip
Join us for a week of serving down at Camp Nathanael in Kentucky. For additional details on cost and dates, click below! RSVPs are open NOW!