Kids in the elementary stage are at a critical point in their spiritual lives. They are capable of great understanding, and not only do they have great faith, they love to go out and do what God has asked of them as disciples. They are capable of so much while at the same time being teachable and greatly influenced by their parents. They are quite open to surrender and sacrifice to God.
What's important at this stage? Kids develop confidence when given significant opportunities to live out their faith and serve both in the home and at church. This will allow them to learn through real-life experiences. Rather than just hearing about how the Holy Spirit works, for example, they can experience Him first-hand.
By the time elementary students leave 5th grade, they should be independent followers of Christ while remaining in a close relationship with parents and other disciplers who will walk closely beside them for accountability and encouragement.
"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"
- John Evans
"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"
- Greg Smith
Learning it. Your student has great understanding and loves to learn how to deepen their relationship with Christ.
- How are you modeling spiritual rhythms as a family?
- How are you letting your child lead sections of your family worship time?
- Are your elementary kids taking responsibility for their own time with Jesus?
- How is your child growing in their knowledge of who God is and who they are?
- What are the areas you can lead your child to Jesus for healing and growth?
- John Evans
- Greg Smith
Seeing it. Your child will thrive when they are in loving relationships in which they can see disciples and be seen.
- Has your child surrendered to Christ?
- Do you know how to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit in your child's life?
- Does your child feel loved and accepted for who they are?
- Aside from you, as parents, who is partnering with your child as they follow Christ?
- How is your child doing life with other believers his/her age?
- Is your student seeing you Grow, Belong, and Engage?
- John Evans
- Greg Smith
Doing it. By late elementary, your child can independently do anything a follower of Christ can do.
- How can your child be generous with their personal resources? Are they tithing?
- How is your child using their gifts at home and to equip the GBC body?
- Where has God placed your child so that they can serve and tell others about Him?
- Does your child know how to effectively share their faith and lead someone to Christ?
- Is your child developing a love for the nations?
- John Evans
- Greg Smith
milestones & Cautions
Be ready for what's next.
Parents often don't know something will become an issue until the problem has already developed. Age-related teaching can help prevent common problems that are prone to happen at certain ages and can derail discipleship.
Let's Walk Together!
To learn more about how critical discipleeship is to your children, we encourage you to read our resource magazine, Follow Me.
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