Toddlers still need lots of love and affection, especially when they fall apart and assert their will. Your toddler is learning the important concept of boundaries and security within those boundaries, which will later allow your child to submit and surrender to God.
What does your little one need at this stage? Loving freedom within firm boundaries will bring security to your child. Toddlers learn best by watching and seeing things in action. They are learning how things work even though they might not know why for another year or so. Events and experiences are being interpreted even though they can't yet express what they understand. By eighteen months, a biblical worldview is already beginning to develop.
"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"
- John Evans
"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"
- Greg Smith
Learning it. Your toddler is already starting to learn your spiritual routines and is now forming their worldview.
- How are you modeling spiritual routines or rhythms as a family?
- How are you seeking and listening to God as a family?
- How is your child growing in their knowledge of who God is and who they are?
- How is your toddler beginning to form the habit of spending their own time with God?
- How can you daily lead your child to Jesus for their needs and hurts?
- John Evans
- Greg Smith
Seeing it. Bonding with parents/caregivers within strong boundaries helps create a sense of belonging. It also provides a way for your toddler to see your faith.
- Does your toddler feel loved and accepted for who they are or how they behave?
- Who can your child begin to build relationships with who will partner with them as they begin to follow Christ?
- How is your child doing life with other believers his/her age?
- How does your child see you growing, belonging, and engaging?
- John Evans
- Greg Smith
Doing it. Bring your toddler along as you engage others with the gospel, and give them small ways to participate.
- How can your family be generous with the resources God has given you in a way that allows your child to participate?
- How can your little one serve others in the home using their gifts and abilities?
- Who has God placed around your family so you can serve and tell others about Him?
- How can your toddler begin to share Jesus with others?
- How are you growing a love for the nations in your toddler?
- John Evans
- Greg Smith
Milestones & Cautions
Be ready for what's next.
Parents often don't know something will become an issue until the problem has already developed. Age-related teaching can help prevent common problems that are prone to happen at certain ages and can derail discipleship.
Let's Walk Together!
We as a church would love to take part in promising to walk with you as you commit to disciple your child. This Parent Commitment was previously known as a baby dedication.
To learn more about how important the discipleship pathway is to your children, we encourage every parent to read our resource, Follow Me.
There are a lot of resources out there! Here are some we think are helpful...
We offer events, seminars, and classes to help you disciple your family...