Child Discipleship Pathway


Preschoolers are very open to learning new things and imitating EVERYTHING about those they love the most.  Discipleship is very easy at this stage if the child has the opportunity to see a disciple in action.  

What's important at this stage?  Answering your preschooler's questions and giving the freedom to explore and learn within safe boundaries.  If you can make discipleship a hands-on process, they will thrive in learning about God and His stories in the Bible.  

"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"

- John Evans

"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"

- Greg Smith


Learning it. Your preschooler is imitating you and learning all you do. He/she is growing in their knowledge of who God is and who they are.

  • How are you modeling spiritual routines or rhythms to your preschooler?
  • How are you seeking and listening to God as a family?
  • How is your child growing in their knowledge of who God is and who they are?
  • Are you teaching your child how to have their own time with Jesus?
  • How can you daily lead your child to Jesus for their needs and hurts?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith


Seeing it. Preschoolers imitate those they are close to. Put them in loving groups where they can see disciples and be discipled.

  • Do you know how to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit in your child's life?
  • Does your child feel loved and accepted for who they are or how they behave?
  • Who can your child build relationships with other adults who will partner with them as they follow Christ?
  • How is your child doing life with other believers his/her age?
  • How does your child see you growing, belonging, and engaging?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith


Doing it.  Preschoolers love to learn new things. Give them practical ways to engage others around them for the gospel.

  • How can your family be generous with the resources God has given you in a way that allows your child to participate?
  • How can your preschooler serve others in the home using their gifts and abilities?
  • Who has God placed around your family so you can serve and tell others about Him?
  • How can your preschooler share Jesus with others?
  • How are you growing a love for the nations in your preschooler?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith

Be ready for what's next.

Parents often don't know something will become an issue until they see a problem develop.  Age-related teaching can help prevent common problems that can derail discipleship at each age and stage.

Let's Walk Together!

To learn more about how critical discipleship is to your children, we encourage you to read our resource magazine, Follow Me.
There are a lot of resources out there!  Here are some we think are helpful...
We offer events, seminars, and classes to help you disciple your family...

Don't see what you need?  Let us know how we can help!