Child Discipleship Pathway


From birth, your baby is actively learning patterns, taking in reactions, hearing your tone of voice, and generally beginning to connect actions with results.  Babies learn how to get our attention pretty quickly! They observe everything, and they are discovering how to put it all together.  Bring them into your relationship with God so this becomes something familiar and safe to them.

What's important at this stage? Attachment! As you and other caregivers provide dependable care for your baby, attachment will naturally develop and build a foundation of trust for your baby.  This can later carry over to the trust of others and God.

"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"

- John Evans

"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"

- Greg Smith


Learning it.  Your baby is already picking up important cues about who God is and who they are.

  • How are you bringing your little ones into family worship time so they can see it modeled?
  • How are you laying the foundation for daily rhythms with God?
  • How are you creating positive memories of worship and of God?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith


Seeing it.  Bonding with parents and caregivers can help create a sense of belonging at this age and becomes an opportunity for your baby to see your faith.

  • Does your baby feel loved and accepted regardless of behavior?
  • Who can your baby begin to form attachments with so they have many partners as they grow and follow Christ?
  • How is your baby doing life with other believers?
  • How are you living out your faith in front of your baby?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith


Doing it.  Bring your baby along as you engage with others for the gospel.

  • How can your family be generous with the resources God has given you?
  • How does your baby see you using your gifts to help others?
  • Where has God placed your family so you can tell others about Him?
  • Who can your family invite into your life, home, or church?

- John Evans
- Greg Smith

Milestones & Cautions

Be ready for what's next.

Parents often don't know something will become an issue until the problem has already developed.  Age-related teaching can help prevent problems that are prone to happen at certain ages.  

Let's Walk Together!

As a church, we would love to take part as you commit to discipling your child.  This is formerly known as a baby dedication.
To learn more about how critical discipleship is to your children, we encourage every one of our parents to read our resource, Follow Me.
There are a lot of resources out there!  Here are some we think are helpful...
We offer events, seminars, and classes to help you disciple your family...

Don't see what you need?  Let us know how we can help!